Monday, July 25, 2011

Observations of Paris (oldie but goodie)

It's very easy to maintain a vegetarian diet in Paris and even easier to abandon one.
You can survive solely on nouns with a few verbs sprinkled in for flavor for an entire week.
French women really don't get fat.
French chefs definitely do not use instant mashed potatoes.
Harcourt Verts actually do taste better, and are not, as I suspected, just green beans with a fancy name to get you to pay more.
It is surrealistic to be sitting in a Parisian restaurant, hearing people speak French all around you, eating French food, drinking French wine, and suddenly realize you are listening to the Eagles Hotel California in the background.
If you buy an all day transportation pass in Paris, it just doesn't matter what bus you get on.
Let's face it, can any American really hear a French police siren without thinking about Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
French women eat croissants du chocolat for breakfast, clean their plates at dinner and are always eating amazing pastries and desserts. Why don't French women get fat?
I have heard a lot of stories about rude French people. I have yet to have any person be rude to me in France. Maybe it's the "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for George W Bush" button that I wear?
If you are lactose intolerant, steer clear of the 3 Fromage sandwich. Trust me on this one.
French women smoke a lot, which could account for why French women don't get fat.
No matter how long you stare at a historical marker written in French the meaning will not magically come to you if you do not speak the language. (I'm going to guess this one is true in any language, but would have to do much more traveling to prove the theory. At this point in time, I've proven it to be true in Japanese, German, Spanish, French, and Egyptian)
If you see a fat woman in Paris, she's probably American. It's probably me.